
Your Daily Diabetes Care Checklist

Diabetes is a lifelong chronic disease described as having high levels of blood sugar levels. The main source of your body’s energy is the blood sugar levels that come from the food that you eat. Your body will produce a hormone called insulin that helps maintain your blood sugar levels. Diabetes occurs when your body does not produce enough or stops producing insulin.
Managing your diabetes is no easy task; constantly keeping track of your blood sugar level, watching what you eat, taking medications on time and so much more. But managing your diabetes is not too tedious. Here is how to make your daily diabetes management routine easier!

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1. Check and Log Your Blood Sugar Levels Daily
Monitoring your blood sugar levels is the most important thing you can do to manage your diabetes. Checking your blood sugar several times, or as instructed by your doctor, can help you manage your diabetes.
For people with type 1 diabetes, they should check their blood sugar levels:
– Before meals and snacks
– Before and after exercising
– Before sleeping
– During the night
– When you are feeling sick
For people with type 2 diabetes, they should check their blood sugar levels:
– Before meals
– Before going to sleep

2. Keep Track of What You Eat
To maintain healthy blood pressure and healthy body weight, and to better manage their blood sugar levels, people with diabetes should maintain a healthy eating pattern. Specialists recommend eating:
– Green and leafy vegetables
– Legumes (ex. Chickpeas, low-salt baked beans, and kidney beans)
– High-fiber, low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates (ex. Wholegrain bread and cereal)
– Fruit
– Lean protein
– Reduced-fat dairy products

3. Take Your Medicine on Time 
There also are many medications used to treat either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. These medications are used to help them control their blood sugar levels. To better manage your diabetes, it is essential to take your medications on time or as prescribed by your doctor.

4. Become Active! 
Getting regular physical activity can help you manage your blood sugar levels. Becoming physically active can make your body more sensitive to insulin. Aside from regulating your blood sugar levels, physical activity also minimizes the risk of heart diseases and nerve damage.
Here are some physical activities you can add to your daily routine:
– (Brisk) Walking
– Cycling
– Running
– Doing Household Chores

5. Check Your Feet!
Diabetes can reduce blood circulation and damage the nerves in your feet. Nerve damage can cause numbness, tingling, and pain in the feet. Nerve damage caused by diabetes can lead to infections or other serious outcomes (like amputation) if not treated properly.
Here are some tips you can add to your daily routine to keep your feet healthy:
– Check your feet for cuts, sores, or other small injuries every day
– Wash your feet every day (Avoid soaking your feet)
– Wear shoes that fit you well
– Wear socks when wearing closed-toe shoes
– Keep your blood flowing by moving your toes and your feet every day.
– When doing physical activities, try to choose foot-friendly activities.

